The Rathskeller

The bar downstairs is a classic beloved “dive bar”. While certainly not actually a “dive”, it has been afavorite late-night watering hole decade after decade since the Heidelberg opened in 1961. In the 60's and 70's, local businessmen (yes, mostly men in those days!) would gather 'round the bar, and as they loosened up for the evening, they'd cut off their tie to prove their commitment to the end of the day’s work. For years, the upper bar area was draped with hundreds of ties and pantlegs surrendered by businessmen “cutting loose” this way. These days, the younger crowd that frequents the place forgoes this tradition, presumably because so few of them wear ties! These days, darts, a well-curated jukebox, bar games like Jenga, a funky vibe, and great drinks are enough to keep “The Rath” busy year after year"


While hip-themed cocktail lounges have come and gone over the years, the Rathskeller has remained largely unchanged, except for who you’ll find filling the seats. Through the seventies, eighties, and nineties, the place was a popular spot with local business owners, who adhered to the crazy German tradition of cutting off your tie or trouser leg as proof that you were letting loose for the day. Gone (thankfully) are the dozens (or was it hundreds?) of neckties and pantlegs that used to be draped around the bar. Today you’ll find a much more diverse, younger crowd, comprised mostly of people who enjoy a good cocktail or craft beer, and know how to have a good time.


Try the legendary boot of beer! Available in both the Rathskeller and the Alpine Dining Room. Enjoy your favorite draught beer in a two-liter glass boot for $50, and take the boot home for your collection!